Nordlo tops the list when customers get to choose their supplier - 12 years in a row
Nordlo is a leader in creating operational, tactical and strategic value for its customers in 2024 according to Radar's major supplier quality review. Nordlo ranks in the top five in two of four categories.
- ‘Although we continue to grow both organically and through acquisitions, customer satisfaction is the most important metric for our performance. It's therefore very gratifying to receive this favourable assessment from our customers for the twelfth year in a row,’ says Fredrik Almén, CEO of Nordlo.
Nordlo placed in the top five in this year's survey in the User-Centred IT and Infrastructure & Operations categories.
- ‘By focusing on strategic and close partnerships with our customers, and taking responsibility for their development going forward, we have built up strong trust and a thorough understanding of what customers need. Radar's results confirm our own customer surveys and our goal is to remain at the top,’ says Fredrik Almén.
Every year, Radar conducts a major survey around customer perceived value and quality. This year, over 1,300 Swedish organisations participated in assessing their suppliers in what is Sweden's largest quantitative survey of IT decision makers around delivered customer satisfaction and customer value.
- ‘The results of Radar Supplier Quality 2025, which are based on customers’ ratings of their suppliers in the 2024 financial year, show that proactivity in the relationship is increasingly valued in a period of budgets with no real value growth and great uncertainty for the buyer side,’ says Hans Werner, CEO of Radar.
IT company Nordlo was formed in 2018 through a merger of IT total, Zetup, Office IT-Partner and Dicom. Dicom was ranked in the top five in Radar's supplier quality review between 2012 and 2018.
If you want to know more - contact:
Fredrik Almén, CEO Nordlo, +46 70 333 15 59,