New Radar report reveals the most sought-after characteristics in Nordlo's IT market
Competence, quality and ability to work together are given top priority when Nordlo's customers choose a supplier. This is the result of Radar's new customer satisfaction report, in which Nordlo is at the forefront in all of the report's assessment areas, especially in infrastructure, operations and business-related IT.
- ‘It's gratifying to have it confirmed once again that customers appreciate Nordlo's business-oriented model and ability to co-operate. A close relationship and a personal touch have never been more relevant,’ says Fredrik Almén, CEO of Nordlo.
In Radar's latest customer satisfaction report, commissioned by Nordlo, customers were given the opportunity to evaluate the company as a partner in various areas, including operations, business systems and resources. The results are compared with Radar's data on the overall market average, including from its annual supplier quality review in which over 1,000 companies participate.
- This year's survey shows that Nordlo is a proactive supplier that understands and helps drive its customers' businesses forward. We are convinced that these are qualities that will be increasingly sought after by companies in the future.
The results are presented in four main areas:
- Infrastructure and operations (servers, storage IaaS, networks etc.)
- Business IT (applications, SaaS, business systems, integration, etc.)
- User-facing IT (workplace, telephony, service desk, etc.)
- Consultants and resources (strategic consultants, technical specialists, developers, technology resources)
The assessment relates to delivery against agreement/expectation and is done by customers scoring the supplier on a scale (Customer Satisfaction Index, CSI) between one and five, where one (1) point corresponds to the lowest score and five (5) points correspond to the highest score.
- In the areas of infrastructure, operations and business-related IT, we are well above the market average and more and more customers are recommending us, which is an indication that we understand our customers' business, are proactive and value close cooperation, says Fredrik Almén.
"Overall, Nordlo is performing well, outperforming the market average in all areas and actually increasing in some criteria, which is in contrast to the market, where we have recently noted consistent declines, which is positive," Radar writes in the report.
If you want to know more - contact:
Fredrik Almén, CEO Nordlo, +46 70 333 15 59,