Customer benefits in focus when FirstOffice invests in modern workplaces
When Klövern takes new initiatives at FirstOffice, its office hotel concept, day-to-day function is of the utmost importance. This summer, it will launch a revised and improved concept for modern workplaces under the Klövern brand.
"Today, our industry demands high standards of availability, and IT function is a hygiene factor. We make sure our customers enjoy the best possible experience from the moment their computer goes online until the presentation they make to their guests in the conference room," says Erik Polding, business development manager at FirstOffice.
With 65 facilities, FirstOffice is the biggest office hotel operator in Sweden. The organisation was decentralised and there was room for individual interpretation regarding what an office hotel should involve. Erik's role has been to conceptualise the brand and to develop an efficient operation where IT function forms the foundation for the best possible customer experience.
"Now FirstOffice is taking a joint initiative where we bring together everything we do well and which we can build on. The initiative includes many challenges such as creating a flexible, functioning IT environment that is customised for our tenant companies. They’re often small enterprises with big technology needs and demands, and for them it’s essential that IT works well on a day-to-day basis and in the future.”
The various facilities around Sweden have different standards and IT equipment, and this presented a major challenge for Klövern. Each unit has worked in its own way for 10 years.
"It's all about customer satisfaction, which is the best confirmation we can get that our customers are happy. Everything working on a day-to-day basis is a hygiene factor for them."
The solution
With Nordlo's help, Klövern has sorted out what it can continue to use and what must be replaced, and it has made step-by-step changes in networks, firewalls, operations, conference rooms and communication. There has been a constant focus on achieving a level that is so high that they are able to deliver an attractive experience for their customers – their tenants. Because tenants can be anything from small one-man enterprises to larger companies with major technology requirements, the entire IT environment was designed with this in mind.
Accordingly, a joint project with Nordlo began with discussions concerning what should be done in the technology environment to achieve the level that FirstOffice sought to deliver to its tenants, before the technology phase roll-out was begun.
The scope of supply also included a wireless network and all IT services such as ensuring the function of local alarm and lock systems. Nordlo has also enabled tenants to enjoy user-friendly networks and printing facilities without them having to install their own equipment, and it has also satisfied the need for well-functioning conference room technology.
"The complex solutions we needed help with has meant setting the bar pretty high for Nordlo. In my view, Nordlo has a solutions-oriented attitude; you recognise this as being a tough challenge, but will make sure you solve it. You are our IT department, and you have really helped us in the transformation we're currently busy with," says Erik.
Customer value
FirstOffice has customer benefit as its primary focus. Office hotel tenants expect everything to work without any frustrations due to shortcomings in technological function.
The outcome of the excellent collaboration with the Nordlo team is the ability of Klövern and FirstOffice to deliver a customer experience they can stand behind.
"It's all about customer satisfaction, which is the best confirmation we can get that our customers are happy. Everything working on a day-to-day basis is a hygiene factor for them.”
About FirstOffice
FirstOffice offers efficient, flexible office hotels with workspaces and meeting places in a pleasant, inspiring environment. In all, there are 62 office hotels in 12 cities with a total floor space of 40,000 square metres, which probably makes FirstOffice Sweden's biggest office hotel chain. More about FirstOffice.