Jenny Brännlund
Development Lead & Quality Manager, Nordlo in Umeå & Lycksele
CEO, Nordlo in Jönköping
Number of employees at your office/location: 40
Family: Husband and three children
Interests: Tennis. Photography and photographic art.
How do you live up to our values; can you give an example from your operation?
It's important for us all to feel that we perform our jobs and assignments together; that we all step up to help each other and that a large part of our success stems from our sense of unity. We also try to do a great many things together even outside work.
For me, it's important to take decisions based not only on development and business value perspectives, but also from the heart. Our values form the basis for our actions and decision-making.
We have a feel-great-at-the-office group actively engaged in well-being and sustainability efforts for our office and personnel. This might mean anything from activities and presentations to our setting up a small library at work.
Business value
I regard the ability to create business value for our customers as an important part of our delivery; it’s what makes us relevant. We work every day to develop and improve our operation and our business, for our customers and ourselves. The entire office is involved in this work and we constantly evaluate it and the means to develop it.
What's the most attractive thing about Nordlo?
Ours is a values-driven company with great heart and passion for our customers. It's important for us to feel happy about going to work. We want to create conditions that enable everyone to be at their best at work (both personally and in terms of skills), which also guarantees our ability to provide the best service and delivery. It makes us attractive, both as a supplier and as an employer.
What could we do better at Nordlo?
One major task is to convene and find each other out in the country in order to exploit the full power we now have together to create even greater value across a broad front for our customers, partly through the enhanced specialist skills we all enjoy and also through the great geographical spread we now enjoy as a group.
What has top priority on your agenda right now?
Making sure our new brand is out there and presented in its correct form everywhere we're seen. And I'm also already busy planning for 2020 and the decisions we will face then if we are to achieve our goals of no. 1 in employee satisfaction and no. 1 in customer satisfaction, and our preferred business objectives.
How would your colleagues describe you?
That's something you should actually ask them, but I believe and hope that they would describe me as dynamic, thoughtful, structured and goal oriented. At the same time, I'm sure someone would say that on the surface I can appear a little untidy– for example, my desk is often quite messy and I explain that by saying I have so many balls in the air.