Eleventh Year in a row! Nordlo Tops Customer satisfaction in Supplier Selection
Nordlo is once again a leader in creating operational, tactical, and strategic value for its customers, according to Radar's comprehensive supplier quality review. Nordlo secures a top 5 placement in three out of four categories.
– We continuously strive to have the most satisfied customers in Sweden, so it's very gratifying to receive this positive assessment from our customers, especially considering it's the eleventh consecutive year," says Fredrik Almén, CEO of Nordlo.
In this year's survey, Nordlo secures a top 5 position in the categories of User-Centric IT, Infrastructure & Operations, and Business-Centric IT.
– Our strategy of having a close partnership is effective and results in our customers having great confidence in us and being satisfied with our services. We will continue to work to maintain high customer satisfaction and hopefully be at the top again next year," adds Fredrik Almén.
Every year, Radar conducts an extensive survey on customer-perceived values and quality. This year, over 1,100 Swedish businesses participated in evaluating their suppliers in what is Sweden's largest quantitative survey among IT decision-makers regarding delivered customer satisfaction and customer value.
– The results in the Radar Supplier Quality 2023 show that proactivity in the relationship is increasingly valued during a period of strained budgets and economic uncertainty for the buyer's side," says Hans Werner, CEO of Radar.
For more information:
Fredrik Almén, Group CEO Nordlo, +46 70 333 15 59, fredrik.almen@nordlo.com